Ulf Kramer

Ulf Kramer is an outstanding and very mysterious figure on the underground techno stage. It is very difficult to get any information on the musical roots of German musician and producer. However, if you'll explore the topic, we will see a very impressive artistic achievements. So far, it was related, inter alia, with Labels such as such Zimmer Records or Wavelike or through which he release fresh and novel material. The work, which was seen by the world, can successfully replace any tinted biographical descriptions that lose significance at a time when we begin to associate with the music of Ulf Kramer. His of EPs, albums and sets very intensively refresh and at the same time develop the genre of techno. It is not possible to pigeonhole his style, but his experimental works, which are sometimes difficult to read, retain the dance character. The core of his works, filled with luscious bass and interesting rhythm, seasoned with depression is often shuttling as well as analog noise. For many listeners, tired with commercial noise, which unfortunately mastered musical underground, sounds of Ulf have remarkable therapeutic properties.
What we think?
Ulf Kramer is for us the Franz Kafka of Techno.
His tunes are full of extravagant horror allusions while keeping the comedy .Just one bit before it gets too insane these tracks are like pop . Catchy songs from the dark depths of the undermind. bookingcontact maskenballimwaschsalon@gmail.com
Make sure to check out his soundcloud channel where he is regularly featuring outstanding dj mixes in his shows "Musikalische Früherziehung".
Our label has also been featured by him. Follow this link to get indeep insight on our past releases =>
STONEDWAVE Label Feature on frei² by Ulf Kramer
Thank you Ulf for joining or f our crew on this vessel helping us to do our psychonaut journeys!