Mari van DUS

„Mari van DUS“ meaning of her music cannot ever reduced up to one genre!
Mari van DUS rather likes to work in the studio and lets her music speak for itself. A Music that hits where it happens. Sometimes hard on the floor with intense beats, sometimes with soft tunes for the chill out or inspiringly with detached spheres. A music reflecting her moods and preserving her emotions, a music destined to be shared heart to heart.
She would not commit her music productions to a certain style or common genre. Each track can be unique or become the key note of a whole session. Freedom and flexibility stand in the first place. That also applies to her personal mutability. Likewise she does not want to be limited to a certain image or by any common standards. Keeping her mind open for the new and for her music is what she wants.
As she puts it the fascination for electronic music still lies in the possibilities of a computer, translating ideas and emotions into b(ea)its and bytes and transforming them into acoustic landscapes.
Looking forward to what is coming up next. Meanwhile listen up to „Mari van DUS“ !